RJ Fashions is a manufacturer & exporter of all kinds of sportswear and gymwear, like Zip Hoodies, Hoodies, T-Shirts, Sweatpants, Leggings, Crew Necks, Shorts, Tank Tops, Polos.- Factory has a total area 50,000.00 square feet
- We have total cut to pack facility.
- Stitching capacity 500 to 1200 pieces per day.
- Cutting capacity 1,000 to 25,000 pieces per day.
- Screen Printing capacity 500 pieces per day.
- We have Sublimation Printing facility.
- Number of Stitching machines 150-200.
- We have six embroidery machines..
- We have Warehouse facility.
Company believes that sense of community could never be developed unless dignity and respect of human is not recognized. Productivity Bonus System has recently been introduced that shares the profit so that sense of belongingness to the company is cultivated among the workforce.
Company fully endorses the ILO conventions promulgated from time to time and also conscious of its responsibility as a good corporate citizen to ensure implementation of rules and regulations in the following areas:
- Prohibition of child labor.
- Forced labor.
- Right of association.
- Hours of work.
- Minimum wages.
- Health & safety.
- Benefits & allowances.
- Harassment & discrimination.